Legal costs recovery support for in-house counsel
Neil Clifford & Co. offer an advisory service in legal costs recovery to in-house counsel in private and public listed companies.
When legal action is initiated or brought, it is usual for Boards of Directors to request a detailed analysis of the costs they expect to be incurred in-house and externally.
On these occasions, the service from Neil Clifford & Co. include a report to the Board and, if required, attending meetings to explain the costs in detail.
Accounting for legal costs
As part of the service, Neil Clifford & Co. can take charge of the fee arrangements for any commercial legal action.
Business people have become more astute when it comes to legal costs, understandably avoiding the charging method of time multiplied by hourly rate and the overall substantial costs generated by this method. Instead, our team offers various alternate methods of charging, which result in greater certainty as to the future costs to be incurred.
What’s more, a set figure for legal costs appears on the balance sheet. This complies with accounting processes and leaves the company’s liquidity and share value intact.
Few costs lawyer firms possess such specialist knowledge as Neil Clifford & Co. As a result, our practice is often called upon to keep track of companies’ legal fees and prevent over-charging.

Vast experience
Neil Clifford has over 30 years of experience in the legal costs recovery aspects of commercial claims.
Consequently, Neil draws upon his extensive professional network to recommend legal specialists for specific issues or to advise about a complex case.
Resolving disputes
Neil Clifford & Co. has worked on some of the most significant and lengthy commercial legal cases in the country. When a situation remains especially contentious, Neil uses his expertise to handle the consequences.
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